Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing 11 Tagging and Delicious

News flash! Forget about the odd punctuation you learned to find on the web. Just yesterday, 7/31/08, the new address is simply According to the What's New page, the plethora of variations on the earlier version finally persuaded the designers to remove punctuation from the name entirely, a good move, I think.

Being able to bookmark sites and access them from any computer is a fine feature, one that is attractive enough to persuade me to try it. With one exception, the library applications I looked seemed OK but not great. The exception: San Mateo Public Library which bundles tags within Dewey ranges, allowing the user to search for tags or by Dewey.

On my own delicious account, I bookmarked travel sites for Hangzhou, China. One of them was bookmarked by 35 other people, some of whom had added notes. Seems like clutter to me though I can imagine using delicious as a tool for environmental scanning. Just knowing which sites have been bookmarked by the most people could indicate issues and topics of timely and broad interest.

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